Foster a Safer Environment with Sound Protection and Waste Water Treatment Options

Tags: Vibratory Finishing Machines
If you’re concerned about your plant’s pollution levels – internal sound pollution or external waste water pollution – then you have undoubtedly researched equipment options to reduce the environmental impact of your machinery. Whether your goal is to protect your employees by creating a safer work environment or reduce your waste stream by implementing water filtration, CLM Vibetech offers the equipment that you need to achieve your goals. In this post, we’re going to look at two of our equipment options, waste water treatment and sound protection, and discuss how they help you foster a safer, cleaner environment in your plant.
Waste water treatment
CLM Vibetech has a range of equipment options available to handle the waste water from your finishing equipment and aqueous parts washers. Helpful in reducing the amount of ceramic and plastic residue that accumulates in your plant’s waste stream, they can help you to reduce costs, reuse water and keep overhead to a minimum.
Sound protection
Since most vibratory finishing machines create some level of sound pollution, taking steps to reduce this pollution can help to ensure the welfare of your employees by creating a comfortable, safe environment. With several options available, from economical to heavy duty, CLM Vibetech will work closely with you, determine your needs and create an effective, customized solution.
At CLM Vibetech, we are committed to using premium components and standardized parts. This allows you to be confident in the longevity of your equipment, as it can be easily – and quickly – maintained and repaired as needed. With a reputation for creating some of the highest quality vibratory finishing machines in the industry, we strive to consistently meet – or exceed – the rigorous demands of our clients. If you’ve been looking to cut down on your plant’s noise levels or waste streams, contact us today learn how we can help.